A ray of sunshine
Flynn Pharma
Launch a new vitamin D therapy that overcomes the barriers of existing treatments, in a market characterised by conservative HCP prescribing and crowded with OTC treatments.
Lack of sun, inadequate dietary intake, poor adherence or response to vitamin D supplements are just some of the barriers that prevent people in the UK from getting the vitamin D they need.
While the outlook for low vitamin D levels may seem as grim as a wet weekend, restoring those levels can feel like the sun has come out.
The solution
We created a series of photographs depicting Domnisol overcoming the Great British weather to give people the vitamin D they need all year round. By juxtaposing dark, gloomy background settings with bright, cheerful patient images, we positioned Domnisol as the ray of sunshine delivering vitamin D, whatever the challenges.
Key patient types were chosen as the models to raise awareness and help HCPs – and their patients – to identify people at risk.
The campaign was really well received by the client and their team, and they have subsequently kept the striking photography when producing new materials.